Eyebrow microblading in London


Is Micropigmentation the same as Microblading?

Eyebrow Microblading vs. Micropigmentation: What is the Difference?

Natural Enhancement is one of London's premier semi permanent makeup clinics with over 12 years of experience. All stylists have been trained by semi permanent makeup expert, Tracey Simpson.

We offer a range of treatments including tattoo eyebrows, enhancing eyeliner, luscious lip liner and leading medical treatments for Vitiligo, Cleft lip and hair loss.

Nothing is as long lasting or natural looking as permanent makeup. Click here to see the experience of a client.

The Latest Brow Trends

Many beauty influencers on social media such as Instagram are talking about the latest brow trends such as microblading, micropigmentation and eyebrow tattooing as a way of enhancing their facial features.  Call 020 8995 2200 for more information.

What is the Difference?

Microblading uses a handheld machine, such as a bladed pen or a small electric machine to create hair like strokes to mimic natural hair growth.

However, micropigmentation or permanent makeup creates a shaded effect on the skin to give you the look of 'ombre brows'. A digital machine is used and the pigment will be implanted deeper into the skin.

Whereas microblading is designed for eyebrow treatments, micropigmentation can be used for a range of treatments including lip liner, hair loss and scar camouflage.

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“Professional staff and amazing service and attention to detail.” - Liv


Micropigmentation is an innovative cosmetic treatment that allows clients to enhance their features through implanting pigment into the skin's dermal layer. This lasts much longer compared to other methods and will need to be re-touched every two to five years. Our stylists are here to help.

Micropigmentation is also used to restore hairlines and camouflage scarred areas.

Prices for our micropigmentation eyebrow treatments begin at £475. Click here.


Microblading is a popular technique amongst beauty influencers and celebrities. The technician will draw hair-like strokes to give the illusion of natural brows that look full and perfectly shaped.

A small, fine blade is used to insert pigment into the dermis, which isn't as deep compared to micropigmentation. Microblading typically lasts between six months and a year.

Natural Enhancement's microblading treatment starts at £475.

To book your consultation, contact us today.

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